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3.5 Miles and 7 mile night trail run



Ona, WV - Camp Arrowhead



May 30th, 2014


Start Time:

Approximately: 900 PM


Packet pickup:

Start 7:00 PM, May 30 @ shelter by lake


Entry Fee:

Cost is $8.00 for either races if signed up before May 30th,2014

Cost is $10.00 for race day entry.


T-Shirts: (Option)

We will take shirt orders and Payment for shirts on race day. Cost of shirts are$15.00 dollars. Shirts will be ordered and ready to be picked up at Roberts Running and Walking Store approximately 2 to 3 weeks after race day. This option allows us to keep the race fee low so that a whole family can enjoy a race together.


Post Race: 

A Bon fire with drinks and Danny Jarvis's Veggie Chili will await you at the finish.



We typically throw in some free gift certificates that are drawn randomly so everyone has a chance to win.

There are NO age group or overall awards. THIS is a FUN RUN, I promise if you haven't experienced one of our races yet, ask somebody that has. IT's a blast.



We will have a clock up for timing, sometimes we keep track sometimes not. Remember Fun RUN.



All proceeds will help support the maintainence and enhancements on the KT Trail. 



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